Let go of the old and embrace the new
Each moment we experience is a new moment in time. It is not the same as any other moment we have experienced in the past or will experience in the future. It is a unique moment in time right now and needs to be treated with the respect it deserves.
Too often we pass off moments, or people, thinking we already know what they are about. However, just like there are no 2 moments the same, people also recreate themselves in each moment. We make the mistake of putting people into boxes and think we know who they are, but this is disrespectful of who they truly are.
We can choose to spend an enormous amount of energy recreating ourselves in each moment exactly as we were in the last moment. Or we can curiously observe in each moment and open up to discovering something new about who we are. By being in the present moment and feeling our way into the situation, we can allow in exactly who we are in that moment. This shows our respect for the unique human being that we are.
Reach for the things that are unfamiliar to you and embrace the ones that you would normally have passed off as odd or strange. These are often your creative juices showing their face and are there to inspire you to put more of you into what you are doing. The more uncomfortable it makes you feel, the more likely it is that you are breaking through past conditioning and embracing the moment.
It has been said the definition of insanity is “doing the same things again and again and expecting different results”. If you are not getting the results you want in your life, then it’s time to do something new. Why not make it something “crazy” to really shift the energy. Yesterdays “crazy” may become tomorrow’s norm and then you really know you are making progress.
Honouring and respecting who we truly are by discovering ourselves on a moment by moment basis is our true life purpose. We can only do this by treating each moment as a new moment, to be truly experienced from a fresh new perspective.
You make like to use the following affirmation: I am open to experiencing myself and others as new creations in each moment
Amanda Cartridge, Transformation Teacher