Connecting with the spirit realm – channelled by Annette Rundle
On the earth plane, you readily see and understand that connections are both a physical and an emotional thing. With the physical aspect, you observe buildings and structures, you create places to gather, roadways to follow and footways to tread.
You each are able to touch and reach out to others making connections among yourselves – by simply holding a person when you wish to reassure, to encourage and to assist them. Connections like this demonstrate your emotional side – a gift from spirit that you have been given to explore and use while living here on the earth plane.
The more you use this ability to connect with others, you will come to see and remember the importance of connecting with yourself. This is a hard ask for many yet it is such a worthwhile effort. For developing connection with yourself leads inextricably towards trusting your connection with your soul self and from there, your connection with Spirit and the Spirit Realm.
Once you can get over the physical cringe response to caring for yourself, you can come to feel trust and understanding build in your life. You realise you are part of the whole – part of the Spirit Realm already. It is this degree of closeness that comes to the fore when you connect with Spirit and the Spirit Realms.
It is important to understand that the word Spirit that you use on the earth plane is a convenience that works well. However, we would suggest that applying the term ‘All’ comes somewhat nearer to describe the wholeness and completeness of spirit presence. The ‘All’ is indefinable – it has no structure – it is all pervading – it is energy that is present in all life forms, seen and unseen here on earth and those forms not yet known to you.
It is worthy that you wish to connect with Spirit, and we suggest that a first step is to understand that Spirit is not separate from yourselves. You know already that you are Spirit in human form and that more than that, you are part of the ‘All’.
A further step is that as you take this understanding on board, you can gradually learn to more fully trust yourself. Allow yourself to trust and to feel your connection with spirit and begin to accept that you are beginning to know your own truth.
Your own truth – at this moment in time is not in any way the ultimate truth of the ‘All’. Truth as humankind has come to know it, is a product of the mind. Using the mind has the limitations of ego and influence from outside. The mind too readily will follow other people’s version of the truth.
We say to you, rather than seek an ‘Ultimate Truth’ attend more to the simplicity of being connected to spirit in each present moment.
It is very much a case of’ ‘How does it Feel’, rather than a case of ‘What do I Think?’ Doing this is using your Heart / Soul energy, and when you do this, the information and prompting will astound you. Gradually, you will learn to trust.
As this trust grows and develops, you will come to define that the messages and knowings you are receiving, come from none other than the ‘All’.
Your connection to Spirit is an ongoing experience. At times in your daily lives, you will lose it and allow your mind to direct your thoughts.
Your heart / soul needs to be giving the directions – to be in the driver’s seat. It uses the connection with Spirit to align you to your highest good. Your mind is there to be used to achieve a result.
Living this way enables us in the Spirit Realms to use each person’s own and unique characteristics and abilities to be combined with those of other energies, to help achieve outcomes that moves humankind along the way towards the ultimate evolution of what you call life.
From Spirit through Annette Rundle 5 Jan ‘25