Ways of communicating with Spirit – the Clair’s
We have seven clair abilities:
- Clairvoyance – clear seeing.
- Claircognizance – clear knowing.
- Clairaudience – clear hearing.
- Clairsentience – clear sensing.
- Clairgustance – clear tasting.
- Clairalience – clear smelling.
- Clairempathy – clear feeling.
Each of these seven methods of communication with the spirit realm require a great deal of trust as there is generally no physical reason as to why you are receiving the information through the seven senses. Receiving information in this way is not limited to mediums who are working with spirit but can happen to anyone at any time.
Clairvoyance is an inner seeing. It is the most well-known of the ways of communicating with Spirit. It can sometimes be a bit like watching a little movie inside your head, seeing visions of past, present of future flash through your mind’s eye or third eye or seeing pictures appear before you. It can also be as subtle as just seeing a colour, a number or a symbol. Sometimes a person receiving information clairvoyantly may have difficulty understanding the meaning as the information being shown may be symbolic rather than of an actual event.
This is the ability to just know something without logic or facts, something that you would not normally have any knowledge about. People often think of it as an inner knowing or intuition. Spirit often gives us information about people and events that just pop into our mind or give us a strong feeling about something. Some people get premonitions – forewarnings of events that are about to happen, or you might get the feeling that it would be better to not do something, go somewhere or trust someone even though there is no practical explanation for what you are feeling or knowing.
Clairaudience is when you hear words, sounds or music in your own mind. It is a way of receiving messages without using your physical ears as it comes as an inner hearing. It is that little voice inside that may suddenly tell you to stop, when you are driving without you being able to see any reason why, and the next moment something happens in front of you which would have meant you were in an accident.
Spiritual mediums are often clairaudient and can hear words, phrases and names from those who have passed over. They will often hear or sense the words being spoken to them within their own head and in their own voice.
When you are using this ability, you receive messages via feelings or physical sensations. You may also receive strong “gut” feelings about someone you have just met, or you may get “chills” for no apparent reason. This may include feelings, such as goosebumps or hair standing up on the arms, or the medium may feel sensations, such as discomfort, in different parts of the body. For example, a spirit may communicate he or she died of a heart issue by causing discomfort in the medium’s chest. If you are clairsentient you may also find it easy to tell when someone is lying or what is physically wrong with others. It is important that, if you have this ability, you learn to respect the fact that you cannot always talk to others about what you are receiving and you learn to let go of anything that isn’t yours.
This is the ability to taste something without physically putting it in your mouth. This is a less common psychic ability but can be a powerful way to receive messages from Spirit. It often involves tasting something that has no physical source, like the flavour of a favourite food or drink connected to a loved one who has passed. For example, you might suddenly taste your grandmother’s apple pie, which could be her way of letting you know she is present and supporting you. This ability can also provide symbolic messages, such as tasting something bitter to indicate a negative situation or something sweet to signify joy and positivity.
This is being able to smell odours that don’t have any physical source. This could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased person, which can be used to help identify the spirit who is around you. It can also be connected to a past memory and the smell will trigger you, or the person you are talking to, into that memory.
Receiving information from spirits through the language of emotions. In this case, the spirit communicates emotion by making the medium feel those emotions as if they were their own. In this type of communication, a medium may start to cry if a spirit is feeling sad or may feel scared if the spirit is trying to communicate something frightening that happened. During mental mediumship the medium communicates with the spirit realm by receiving messages as thoughts and feelings. They mentally hear words, see pictures, know information and / or feel messages from spirit.