Connecting with the Spirit Realm – Edi Szentirmay
Connecting with the spirit realm is magical and uplifting. There you will find answers to your questions, rest for your soul and peace for your mind.
It is a process of being still, quietening your mind, opening your heart and listening with your spiritual ears. It is about you creating a safe space to connect with the beings of light in the spirit realm. These may be your guides, your angels or your loved ones. In that space, you will discover truth, love, wisdom and peace. You will uncover your true nature of who you really are – for you are a part of spirit, a reflection of that which is and always has been – the I Am presence of love and eternity.
Just think what an amazing discovery that is, how it will expand your mind, your heart, your soul to know who you truly are. Take the time dear one to meet me, for in meeting me you are meeting yourself. I am in everything and everyone. Each time you open yourself to connect with the spirit realm you are raising your vibration and opening your heart to this truth. This will carry you through each day.
Remember you may connect any time, be it for a moment or for a longer time. This is a journey you are on – to realise fully you are a spiritual being who has chosen to live on this earth. The more you connect to the spirit realm, the stronger your connection will become and the more grounded you will be in Spirit. Let us guide you, let us play together and be joyful. We can only do that if you connect with us.