Speaking Our Truth – Annette Rundle
There are times when I loath myself. When I reflect on recent or past reactions and thoughts that I have had and expressed at times that make me cringe. There are other times of course, when spirit has supplied the words, the support and understanding that I needed at that time that make me feel part of spirit’s ever evolving plan.
What is the difference between these two situations?
I believe that we should each be able to speak our own understanding and truth without fear or favour. To stand up for what we believe and understand, at that moment in time. However, when we consider the fifth principle, we come to realise that some discretion is needed. For while that fifth principle acknowledges our right to hold and express our own opinions, it also reminds us that the consequences resulting from using this right lays squarely on our shoulders. We alone are responsible for our words and actions.
It is helpful to realise that it is not a case of being right about a matter, this leads rapidly to dissent and anger. Of more use is to develop the habit of respecting other people’s right to hold a different view. Some matters are straight forward and fit within the so-called rules and laws of our societies. Other matters are more complex and result in each of us developing and holding our own opinions.
Opinions though, are just that – opinions and are not necessarily right nor wrong. We can choose to promote our opinions but beware of forcing them on others. For the consequence of doing so can be far reaching, damaging even – not only to others but to ourselves.
Why do you need to prevail? Why do you need to belittle or put down others’ opinions? How do you know that your opinion is sound? Have you really thought through the issue fully? Would conversing about it with others of differing views be useful?
Too often we come from a standpoint of pride – self pride. Yes, we all wish to be listened to, to be a useful member of society or our group, to feel we each count in the many decisions in life. But this is a mind-driven condition and serves us ill.
When we acknowledge that our true self is our soul living in this human body, we come to understand that it is the soul that should be ‘in the driving seat’ – ‘steering our direction through this life journey’. And the mind is there to facilitate and enable the urgings of the soul.
Being in tune with and connected to spirit enables us to exercise respect of others’ opinions and thoughts. That spirit connection further allows us to be guided and supported by spirit. The clarity that comes with this is amazing. Words, ideas, solutions, and understandings flow readily, and we feel the relief of having ‘friends in high places.’
We learn to be true to ourselves, while accepting that life and our understanding of it continues to evolve. And with spirit ‘on board’ with us, we can achieve a sense of peace and purpose in this amazing journey of life.
From Annette Rundle 29 Jan ‘25