Fostering Spiritual Values

National Spiritual Day is dedicated to honouring the diverse spectrum of spiritual values cherished by individuals throughout our country. While these values may vary from one person to another, they all converge on the fundamental principle of fostering a world steeped in love, compassion, and equality for all beings.

Our Mission

On this day and in the days ahead, our mission is clear. We will:

  • share spiritual knowledge and practices
  • guide and support those interested in understanding their spiritual nature and delving into the essence of spirituality
  • facilitate an exploration of what it means to live spiritually
  • offer inspiration for integrating spiritual practices into daily routines, while nurturing a deeper understanding of their profound significance.

Opportunities Await

National Spiritual Day provides opportunities to come together and celebrate the spiritual aspects of life and honour the truth that we are all spiritual beings. Join with others on similar journeys to pause to commemorate and reflect on our connection with Spirit, however we define it.

Celebrating 100 years

Each year there will be a focus on a different aspect of spirituality. This year we are celebrating a significant milestone: the centennial anniversary of the enactment of the Spiritualist Church of New Zealand Act, which legalised Spiritualism in New Zealand. Learn more about this pivotal moment on our dedicated focus page.

Remember, you don’t need to identify as a Spiritualist or have prior knowledge of Spiritualism to participate in this year’s celebrations.