Emma Hardinge Britten 1823 – 1899

Emma Hardinge Britten 1823 – 1899

Emma Hardinge Britten is, perhaps, the most renowned and the most respected advocate and proponent in the early modern spiritualist movement. She was born in London and from an early age showed an interest in and excelled in singing and as a musician. She was somewhat...
The Church of the Golden Light History

The Church of the Golden Light History

The Church of the Golden Light was founded on the 4th April 1931 by Mrs Fanny Philpott. The first service was held in a rented building in Belgium Street – now Upper Queen Street. However following much fundraising, they purchased their own property in 1935 at 100...
The Church of the Golden Light History

MacKelvie West Spiritualist Church

We are deeply indebted to the notes left by the late Harvey Fitton – he had a connection with the church for over 60 years. He served on committees, was Vice President and a Trustee for many years. As well as being a very able speaker, he did do a lot of...
My Early Life – Muriel E. Clapton

My Early Life – Muriel E. Clapton

I was born in England a long time ago to a family that had no money, but a great deal of old fashioned love and discipline. The family in those days was the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – like the Maori families of today. All of the children in the...