Connecting to the Spirit Realm

Connecting with the Spirit Realm – Edi Szentirmay

Connecting with the spirit realm is magical and uplifting. There you will find answers to your questions, rest for your soul and peace for your mind. It is a process of being still, quietening your mind, opening your heart and listening with your spiritual ears. It is...

Ways of communicating with Spirit – the Clair’s

We have seven clair abilities: Clairvoyance – clear seeing. Claircognizance – clear knowing. Clairaudience – clear hearing. Clairsentience – clear sensing. Clairgustance – clear tasting. Clairalience – clear smelling. Clairempathy – clear feeling. Each of these seven...

Connecting with the spirit realm – channelled by Annette Rundle

On the earth plane, you readily see and understand that connections are both a physical and an emotional thing. With the physical aspect, you observe buildings and structures, you create places to gather, roadways to follow and footways to tread. You each are able to...

Different Types of Spirit Guides

There are many types of loving spiritual entities who can become your guides. These entities are energy and may come to you in a diverse range of ways. You may be given a name, a form, or you may recognise them by their energy. Connecting with your guides can help you...

Connecting with the spirit realm by Barbara Hand

There are many ways you can strengthen your connection with the spirit realm. As with any new learning it is a matter of practising and having patience with yourself. Everyone connects in different ways, and it is important to accept how you receive this connection...