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Meeting ID: 833 7014 7554 Passcode: 420550
Everything in our universe is energy and all that is part of our universe is made up of that universal energy. As human beings we are unique individuals living our lives according to what we chose to achieve for this lifetime. However, our souls, the greater part of ourselves, are a part of the universal energy and therefore are part of the whole, part of the oneness of all that is.
Think of an ocean made up of lots of droplets of water. As a human being we are like one of those droplets, but as a multi-dimensional soul-being we merge with all else to become the ocean. As we get used to thinking of ourselves as a part of the oneness, we begin to understand that we are far greater than the individual that is here on the earth plane and that, with the connection to all that is, we each have access to all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe.
Bring your ideas and opinions along about this as we discuss the topic in an open and friendly way. Sharing your ideas with others and listening to what they have to say is a great way to expand your way of thinking. And then after our discussion we will share a meditation based on our subject.
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We look forward to sharing this time with you.