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Meeting ID: 833 7014 7554 Passcode: 420550
One of the seven principles of Spiritualism is ‘eternal progress open to every soul’. In every heart there exists the desire for progress, and to every Human Spirit there belongs the power to progress in wisdom and love.
By connecting with your soul, you gain access to the knowledge that is held deep within you, including what you need to do to follow your pathway in this lifetime. You learn to trust your intuition, or gut feelings, and follow what feels right for you.
Bring your ideas and opinions along about this as we discuss the topic in an open and friendly way. Sharing your ideas with others and listening to what they have to say is a great way to expand your way of thinking. And then after our discussion we will share a meditation based on our subject.
Follow us on our Facebook page to gain more understanding of the different topics relating to Everyday Spirituality and have the opportunity to win a free reading of healing.
We look forward to sharing this time with you.