Celebrating 100 Years of Spiritualism (Zoom Meeting)


Spiritualism New Zealand invites you to a Zoom meeting to discuss the 100-year anniversary (22 September) of the passing of the Spiritualist Church of New Zealand Act 1924. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to collectively celebrate Spiritualism, acknowledge those who have gone before us and generally join together in a variety of ways […]

Physical Mediumship Workshop – Upper Hutt

King Lion Hall 12 King Street, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand

Coming up to the 100 year anniversary of the Spiritualist Church of New Zealand Act, we are discussing physical mediumship such as apports, table tipping, ectoplasm, trumpets, tapping, manifesting, transfiguration, etc. We don't currently have many physical mediums locally but it's the type of mediumship that often made the news in the past either because […]

Otago’s biggest and best Spiritual Market in Dunedin

Dunedin Community Hall King Edward Street, South Dunedin, New Zealand

To celebrate National Spiritual Day, we are holding a spiritual market geared at bringing people together and sharing our spiritual gifts. This is an amazing spiritually themed event, with a variety of spiritual stall holders; from Tarot readers, clairvoyants, crystals, jewellery, arts and crafts and also includes 'The Zen Den' with holistic practitioners and healers. […]

Service and Celebration at Soul Station Spiritual Center

Papamoa Community Center 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa, Tauranga

Here at Soul Station Spiritual Center, we are celebrating 100yrs of the right to practice Spiritualism that came with the establishment of the 1924 Act. We are opening our first Sunday Spiritual Service on the 15th September in line with the 100 year celebrations. We will meet regularly on the 3rd Sunday of each month. […]


Special Meet the Mediums Evening

United Spiritualists 41 Glenroy Street, Woolston, Christchurch, New Zealand

Join us for an evening where we honour the 100 year anniversary of Spiritualism with two hours of mediumship, with four of our own very well known and regarded Mediums, where you have the opportunity to receive a reading from an experienced medium. Entry is $15.00 (cash only) our doors open at 6.30pm.


Napier Centennial Clairvoyant and Healing Morning

Napier Spiritualist Church 43 Barker Road, Napier, New Zealand

Napier Spiritualist Church Celebrations for 100 Years of Spiritualism in New Zealand. $10 for a Reading, Coffee and Cake. Gold Coin Donation for a healing.


Rotorua Spiritual Spring Fair

Linton Park Community Centre 16 Kamahi Place, Pukehangi, Rotorua

In recognition of the 100 year celebration of the Spiritualist Church of New Zealand Act 1924, we are organising a spiritual fair. Entry is $10 and we will have FREE readings and healings. Nau mai haere mai koutou All are welcome!


Feilding Market Day

Manchester Square Fielding, New Zealand

The Feilding Spiritual and Awareness Centre is joining a market day being held in the Feilding Square on Sunday 22nd September. We are going to have an information stand, 100th cake and raffle, and possibly people doing mini readings and healings. We thought this was a great opportunity to meet with our local community and […]