MacKelvie West Spiritualist Church

We are deeply indebted to the notes left by the late Harvey Fitton – he had a connection with the church for over 60 years. He served on committees, was Vice President and a Trustee for many years. As well as being a very able speaker, he did do a lot of Platform work and was also a very good Clairvoyant.

He joined the church on the 7th February 1924 and it appears that the church founded as the ‘Spiritual Scientist Church’ in 1913 by a Mr. McLeod- Craig.

It was then sited in Karangahape Road where Mr. McLeod-Craig, who was a herbalist, had a shop in the arcade – he was a magnetic Healer and was said to have medical Clairvoyance. He also gave lectures and talks on Healing and Spiritual matters.

A committee was formed in 1924 and amongst the members was a Mr. Potter, who started a Healing circle on Saturday nights, which was a great success.

There was also Mrs. Harris Roberts, affectionately known as ‘Mater’, who later took the Church over and was known as the Minister. At a special meeting the committee decided to find another venue and it was a Mr. Fairburn who secured the property at 43 MacKelvie Street, Ponsonby for the sum of NZ£980. A loan was arranged at 6% interest, but it was understood although never mentioned that Harvey Fitton helped to a large extent with the finance.

The new property was taken over on the 29th September 1929 and the name of the Church had to be changed to “MacKelvie Street Spiritualist Church”, this resulted in a great increase of membership and on Sunday night services 120 people were packed in the Church.

Circles, Healing groups, evening classes, plays, socials and picnics, made sure there was something on every night of the week. Jumble sales were also organised to help with the finance. The church was unique in that it ran open circles, and many Mediums today owe their beginnings to these circles.

The Church moved to Portage Road in New Lynn in November 2003.

The area around the Church changed from residential to commercial, so the property became prime land and several offers were made, but wisely the committee declined. The name changed to MacKelvie West Spiritualist Church in honour of it’s roots. A Church depends on the people who serve under it for its progress and Spiritual development, and thanks to the very dedicated people who have given their time and services over the years, it is due to them that our Church is still able to carry on.

No doubt we will have our up’s and downs but we feel that over the years it’s members have stood by the 7 Principles and have done much to further the Spiritualist movement in this area.

Hopefully our Church has many more years of Service it is a haven to all those who come seeking help, Spiritual guidance and enlightenment. We are also very lucky to have some of the chattels from the ‘old’ MacKelvie Church and we are very proud to be able to display these very precious treasures in our present Church.

Reprinted with permission from MacKelvie West Spiritualist Church.