It’s Only Natural

There’s a point we reach in our spiritual development where we are so aligned with Source, that living by spiritual values becomes automatic.

I could have used the phrase, ‘it becomes second nature,’ but that would be incorrect. It’s our first nature. It’s natural for us to live by codes that ancient wise ones etched in stone and gilded onto frescoes, to remind us, lest we forget.

And we did. Forget.

But now we are remembering. Now we are relearning. And, now we are applying our lessons, guided by handed down, timeless, universal spiritual values.

When my teenage son died in a car crash, I wanted to be able to commune with him. But to do so, I needed to raise my point of consciousness to a higher level of vibrational frequencies. That was the ‘spirit-carrot’ for my wants to mesh with my needs.

Over a decade I relinquished a truckload of acquired human values. I no longer identified myself through my roles as parent, teacher, community do-gooder and, did I mention doormat?

None of those things mattered to my son, and eventually they didn’t matter to me … but not without a fight. However, by following spiritual practices and embodying spiritual values into daily life, I got to the place where I could meet my son in spirit. (You know by now it was a huge carrot, one large enough to keep me nibbling for nearly ten years).

I share this to encourage you to stay on the path of enlightenment; it’s worth it. I have a beautiful relationship with my son, one that keeps evolving. In truth, the carrot never went away, because he continues to evolve and therefore so must I.

It requires a willingness to release old beliefs and adopt much older ones! And constancy is needed. But eventually, it does become so natural that you can’t imagine living any other way. Because you can’t imagine living without unshakeable peace, compassion, freedom, insight, prosperity, laughter and wellness. That’s what I value.

ANNWYN author-mentor-healer