Living in the Now

Nine years after my teen son had died in a car crash, I finally dropped all of my defences and allowed myself to undergo a harrowing time not knowing who I was anymore. So much of my life had changed and it was a fragile time.

But, as always, Spirit had their eye on me and, a new friend loaned me a book that was popular at that time, ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. Omg! His book brought me back from the edge of a very dark pit I was about to leap into. Not only did Tolle explain I had gone through ‘the dark night of the soul,’ but he also revealed the strategy for recovering from it: to live in the Present Moment – Living in the Now.

He was right – my anxiety rose when I either look back with regret and sorrow, or scanned ahead too far, filled with many ‘what ifs’ that belonged to the future. No wonder I couldn’t create much for myself.

That pivotal, precious learning was nearly two decades ago. It is now rare for me to look back or look further than the next bend ahead. Because I know the power of living is in each moment, right now. It is hard to give energy to something too far in the future, but it is easy to give energy to something happening now, or soon.

In six weeks I shall leave my beautiful property of eight years without knowing where I shall lay my head, let alone where I will base myself. I’m a few months from my seventh decade – should I be worried? Hell no! I have absolute trust I will be shown the next step when I need it. And that might be at the eleventh hour – because there is a tremendous amount of energy at the eleventh hour!


ANNWYN is a New Zealand spiritual author and an energy healer/mentor who specialises in grief and loss in its many forms, because grief often underpins our life lessons. She is the author of ‘Flying in the Face of Grief.’ New subscribers receive 20% off their first session

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