Eternal Love and Light
We were brought to this earth in physical form to learn and grow. Before we came, we set some intentions of what our life lessons would be. These lessons help us to remember who we truly are. The core of our being – that spark of love and light that connects us to other sparks of love and light that then connect us to all that is. Such brilliance and beauty!
But we must take baby steps to get there, otherwise we may literally get fried. This is because we wouldn’t be able to handle the energy. This energy is so expansive, so strong, and so deep. It is unfathomable to the human mind. So each lesson in your life is part of the contract you made before coming to earth, to learn and grow and connect with and express this love and light. To become that which you already are.
Each lesson should take you deeper into love, for love is all there is, love is all that matters. It is that unconditional love that helps you see clearly – without judgement, without conditions, without fear. Each of you is meant to be an empowered being moving into the fifth dimension to experience the fullness of Christ Consciousness. It is a matter of choice, a matter of will. Sometimes it takes longer and lessons must be repeated. But this is no matter, as each who is willing, will learn and grow.
Sometimes it will be sad or painful or hard. But keep persisting, knowing you are being guided. You have the wisdom at hand, you just need to stop, be still and listen. This will help you with your lessons, it will help you to learn and grow. As you make the right choices, you see things coming together and falling into place. This reinforces the allowing of Spirit to guide you, being still and listening. It need only take a minute to pause, ask and listen. You will be guided. Have faith and be joyful knowing all is well. Knowing that every moment of your life is a becoming – becoming who you truly are, the eternal love and the eternal light of all that is.
~ Edi Szentirmay