Sweenyjane’s Learning and Growing Experience
Writing for this topic has taken a while, even with Spirit guiding me it has been difficult to marshall thought and put words onto paper. But here we go!
As we move through life we seek wholeness. We eat, we play, we grow, we pray, we learn, we experience. Throughout this life I’ve been blessed with learning about so many things. Reading has to be top of my list as one of the best things I have ever learnt! Playing on swings comes a close second, I still have a swing if one is free at the playground! Family, community, disability, grief, intimate love, parenting, friendship, creative writing, numerology, my blessed Runes – as an adult, all of these learnings have led to growth. Sometimes I’ve rushed into growth and sometimes I’ve avoided it.
I didn’t for instance want to know grief. Yet grief, mine and others have given me the opportunity to know my soul and its capabilities beyond anything I ever thought I could manage. Grief after all is a reflection of how much you have loved.
Growing can be taken literally – planting seeds in the spring waiting for them to germinate and grow into delicate seedlings then moving them into the garden or large pots to complete their life cycle. Harvest time is so satisfying having nurtured vegetables, fruit, flowers and herbs to their fullness. And even after picking there is much to be gained. Jams, pickles, passatas, teas, sage sticks – all reminders through the cold months, of growth achieved and a reminder that spring, and growth, will come around again. I just adore how the camellias and hellebores come out in winter! Winter flowers, incredible! Gorgeous pops of colour that soothe eyes and offer encouragement when trees are bare and soil dormant, made hard with frost.
What new skills excite you to learn? Over the past few years, I’ve been learning about aging. Physically I am diminishing in strength and height! I’ve got some (non life threatening) conditions I deal with daily. And while that might not sound exciting, it kind of is. I’m alive when some of my closest friends have gone before me. Succumbed to diseases. Gone too soon. I pay much attention to eating well and exercising. I also look for spiritual growth opportunities. My writing this piece is one of these. An exposure, even though it’s from a distance!
Each new learning, even if uncomfortable or excruciatingly embarrassing, leads to growth of soul. The soul instead of diminishing like the body just gets bigger and bigger and oh so beautiful. What a blessing!
My biggest learning is ongoing. And that is to trust my soul and heart, my intuition, my guides. It’s my life lesson if you will. Identifying your own life lesson is key and then gathering as much energy as possible from spiritual sources to aid recovery is next, and ongoing, for life. Learning to be at peace with your blessings and trials is in itself the most beautiful growth.
Blessings and warm wishes to all.