Connecting with the spirit realm by Barbara Hand
There are many ways you can strengthen your connection with the spirit realm. As with any new learning it is a matter of practising and having patience with yourself. Everyone connects in different ways, and it is important to accept how you receive this connection and not compare yourself to others. Each of you is a unique individual and those in the spirit realm recognise this and adapt accordingly. It is just a matter of connecting on the right wavelength and those in the spirit realm will do 90% of the work initially in order to make the connection work. Once you have signalled to them that you wish to work with them, they will reach out in many ways to make that connection.
Some of the first ways that people start to connect without often realising that is what they are doing are:
- Asking for a car park – how often have you wished that there was a car park near where you are going and there it is. When this happens a simple thank you to the spirit realm shows your appreciation but also lets them know that you have acknowledged their help.
- Knowing who it is that is on the phone or at the door before you answer.
- Getting a strong feeling that you need to contact someone and when you do you find that there is a need for you to be talking to them.
- Getting a feeling of cobwebs on your face or feeling like you need to brush something out of your hair. Sometimes this is spirits way of letting you know that they are there.
- Feeling a sensation in your body, or smelling something that relates to the person in spirit, or hearing something that isn’t coming from the physical world around you (not your tinnitus – lol).
The spirit realm will use lots of different ‘call signs’ to signal to you that they are close.
The connection with the spirit realm is always on the love vibration. So in order to get a clearer connection with your spirit guides and angels, it is helpful to release as much negativity from your body as possible. You can ask your guides to help you with this process and allow yourself to fill your body and energy field with love as you release any unwanted emotions.
Once you start feeling or knowing that you are getting a connection, you can then ask questions. When you do this, it is important to have patience as spirit will look for many ways to answer you. You may wake up in the morning with the answer as spirit often find it easier to get through to your subconscious or conscious mind when you are asleep. Or during a conversation with someone you will get the answer. Or maybe a book will fall open at the right place with your answer. Be open to ways that spirit will communicate with you as, in the beginning, getting that connection can be a bit hit and miss. Don’t be discouraged. Know that they are doing everything they can to build the connection with you.
Often the first answer you get may seem wrong. It is important when you are working with the spirit realm to trust that first answer and not allow your mind to interfere and suggest that it could be wrong. Spirit will often suggest a different pathway from what you would expect, and it is good to be open to change. Having said that, remember that often what spirit suggests is the purest way to the solution without taking into account the physical world. There are times when you might have to adjust how you follow their advice so that it fits with your everyday life. Remember you are working with them in equal partnership so always be open to being practical with any advice that you receive.
Having advised you to accept the first answer you receive, it is also very important to remember that, when working with any entity from the spirit realm, you are in charge. Those in spirit can advise and suggest but it is always up to you to make the final decisions – it is your life after all. If something doesn’t feel right, then query it with spirit. Often they haven’t been on the earth plane for a long time so they have lost the ability to fit things to the physical world. Don’t put them on a pedestal and feel that you have to accept whatever they say.
I have worked for many years with a very fiery Spanish lady in spirit and we often have arguments about what she says. This doesn’t mean that I don’t respect her and look to her for guidance and support, but it does mean that I temper anything that is suggested, to make sure it fits my life on the earth plane. Please make sure you do the same. Disagreeing with a spirit guide will not make them go away. Rather it will help them to help you in a more appropriate way.
Barbara Hand