Living in the Now

One Step at a Time

As I walk along the path in one of our local parks, I focus on all that is around me - the birds as they fly from tree to tree calling to each other, the sound of the river nearby, the breeze moving the leaves on the ground and the branches of the trees and the feel...

Living in the Now

Nine years after my teen son had died in a car crash, I finally dropped all of my defences and allowed myself to undergo a harrowing time not knowing who I was anymore. So much of my life had changed and it was a fragile time. But, as always, Spirit had their eye on...

Let go of the old and embrace the new

Each moment we experience is a new moment in time. It is not the same as any other moment we have experienced in the past or will experience in the future. It is a unique moment in time right now and needs to be treated with the respect it deserves. Too often we pass...